Buda Castle 25

Buda Castle 25

Representation mock up
Scale: M1:1000
Client: KÖZTI Zrt.
Lead designer: Potzner Ferenc

On behalf of the District I Municipality, Ferenc Potzner and his colleagues outlined a comprehensive vision for the heart of the country, the Buda Castle District, for a lifetime, suggesting that its creators intended it as a starting point for co-thinking that could be further refined, shaded, may be enriched by various observations. ” The documentation of the Concept Plan became a chunky book, to which we prepared the model appendix.
The work, which lasted nearly 25 weeks, was an exciting collaboration with designers and visual designers. This work was exaggerated by the fact that despite the existence of separate architectural documentation and hyperrealistic 3d models of the buildings, the two models simultaneously had to completely rethink and rebuild the elements, which involved a significant amount of computer drawing work.